Business Appraisers and Specialists - About Us

Industry Experience

Business Appraisers and Specialists was founded by Dr. Kipp A. Krukowski, who is also a professor of business at Colorado State University. He has over 20+ years in providing helping business owners understand and create value. He has founded several business consulting firms and has directly been involved in the successful sale of over 100 companies. He has received industry certifications that include the CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst) credential from the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts and the ASA (Accredited Senior Appraiser) in Machinery & Technical Specialties credential from the American Society of Appraisers. He also earned the CBI (Certified Business Intermediary) credential from the International Business Brokers Association along with the CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor) credential from the Exit Planning Institute. He has provided expert witness testimony for multi-million-dollar litigation cases related to valuation. Dr. Krukowski earned his PhD from Oklahoma State University, his MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, and his BE in mechanical engineering from Youngstown State University. He also is active in conducting research related to business mergers and acquisitions, business valuation, and value creation.

Industry Thought Leadership

Peer-reviewed research featured in the Journal of Small Business Management, Business Horizons, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, The Value Examiner, and others
Business Appraiser
Business advisor and dealmaker testimonies: deficiencies in privately held small businesses leading to failed M&A transactions, featured in the July/August 2024 issue of The Value Examiner journal
Business Valuation
Examining the Business Model: Value Creation Strategies for Improving Financial Viability Before Selling, featured in the September/October 2024 issue of The Value Examiner journal
Business Appraisers Value Examiner (November-December 2024) - Kipp Krukowski
Value Creation Strategies for Improving Company Infrastructure in Advance of Selling a Business, featured in The Value Examiner journal
Business Appraisal
Why are you selling your business? Understanding signaling effects of seller rationale at time of entrepreneurial exit, featured in the November 2023 issue of Journal of Business Venturing Insights journal
Business Appraisers and Specialists
Selling a business after the pandemic? Crisis and information asymmetry impact on deal terms, featured in the September/October 2022 issue of Business Horizons journal
Valuations for M&A and Planning Nationwide
From liability to asset: A receiver’s perspective on eponymy signals and market value, published in August 2024 in the Journal of Small Business Management